Transfar AB and Seaside Service Stockholm are two work names attached to Svenska Transport & Fartygsservice AB. AB means limited company.

We have under several organisations worked over 40 years in the fields of transportation and passenger services. We can name the Arlanda and Bromma airports, the Swedish Railways and Viking Line among others.

Now days we have two organisations, one focused on services to vessels, Seaside Service Stockholm, and one focused on transports and equipment, Transfar AB.

Under the 70īs and 80īs the main activities where more and more focused on transports. Under the 90īs the cruise ships started to traffic with more regularity the Baltic Sea. Hundred thousands passengers have since then arrived and visited Stockholm

We at Seaside Service have served during the last 10 years thousands of ships with passenger services, Turn Around services, provisioning, mooring and delivery of gods to the ships berthing Stockholm.

We are located in Frihamnen,the freeport harbours areas in Stockholm but work in the entire Stockholm region.

Our Companies stores, delivers, distributes and move goods to authorities, shipping companies, public companies and private individuals.

We have own trucks, forklifts, lifting equipment and capable and reliable stuff.

We are active members in the network Stockholm Cruising Capital, toghether with The Port Authority, the Airport Authority And Stockholm's Visitor Board among others. You can read more about this network by visiting our links.

Seaside Service Stockholm

Seaside Service
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